'15 Minute Fat Burner | No Equipment Needed | JB Fitness'

Posted Oct 2, 2021

'15 Minute Fat Burner | No Equipment Needed | JB Fitness'

'15 minute, 15 exercise full body HIIT workout.  CONNECT WITH ME: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joel.price.5​​​​... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joelbenjami​​​​...                     https://www.instagram.com/jbfitness_p...​ Website: https://www.joelbenjamin.co.uk​​​​  INQUIRIES: Dance/Musical Theatre/TV/Film: [email protected] Personal Training: [email protected]  GET MONEY OFF: InnoSupps: https://www.innosupps.com​​​​ Use code - JOEL20  MUSIC FROM: Epidemic sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/music/f​​​​...  Filmed and edited by JOEL BENJAMIN and GABRIELA MORENO:  ABOUT ME: I am a professional Dancer, Singer, Actor, Tricker, Model, Musician and Personal Trainer from the UK. I travel all round the world due to my job and since my girlfriend and I are in a long distance relationship, we love to travel and go on adventures together as a means to see each other. Thanks for watching my video and I hope you stick around.' 

See also: Endurance , is , wie , fam , Real , bol , ejercicios de tonificacion , Spinning , for beginners , gesund
